Medidor Portátil de Oxígeno Disuelto – HI9146 con cable de 10m (32.8′)

The HI9146 is a rugged, portable dissolved oxygen (DO) meter designed to provide laboratory precision and accuracy under harsh environmental and industrial conditions. This meter offers many features including automatic calibration, auto-endpoint detection, and compensation for temperature, salinity and altitude. The HI9146 is supplied complete with polarograpHic probe, PTFE membrane caps, electrolyte fill solution, and rugged carrying case.membrane caps

Easily Replaceable Membrane Caps

Automatic Calibration


Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)




SKU: HI 9146-10
  • Compra 100% Segura
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  • Despacho a Todo Chile*
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Dissolved oxygen is a commonly measured parameter in aquaculture, wastewater treatment, environmental studies, and wine analysis. The HI9146 is a rugged, portable dissolved oxygen (DO) meter designed to provide high accuracy measurements whether in the field or in the lab. The meter features automatic calibration performed at one or two points in saturated air and/or zero oxygen solution.All readings are automatically compensated for temperature variations and can be frozen on the display upon stability using the auto-end feature. Salinity and altitude compensation are user adjustable based on the environmental conditions that are present. The HI9146 features a Battery Error Prevention System (BEPS) that detects when the batteries become too weak to ensure reliable measurements. The HI9146 is supplied complete and ready to use.


Features at a Glance

PolarograpHic Measuring System – The meter and probe use polarograpHic sensor technology based on the Ross and Clark polarograpHic measurement method. The probe is comprised of a platinum cathode and silver anode in an electrolyte solution held in place over the surfaces of the electrodes by a polymer membrane. An external voltage applied across the system establishes a current proportional to the concentration of dissolved oxygen.

Replaceable Membrane Caps – The pretensioned thin polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes employ a screw cap design that can be changed quickly by simply filling with the HI7041 electrolyte fill solution and screw on the DO probe.

Automatic Calibration – Calibration can be performed at one or two points to 100% and/or 0% saturation. The 100% saturation is done in air while the 0% is done with the HI7040 bicomponent zero oxygen solution.

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) – The Good Laboratory Practice feature allows the user to recall calibration information including date, time and calibrations points.

Automatic Temperature Compensation – All readings are automatically compensated for temperature variations with a high accuracy, built-in linearized thermistor temperature sensor behind a stainless steel cover.

Altitude Compensation – The HI9146 allows for altitude compensation for up to 4000 meters with a 100-meter resolution.

Salinity Compensation – Salinity compensation is adjustable from 0 to 80 g/L (ppt) with a 1 g/L resolution for the measurement of DO in brackish and sea water.

Auto End Point – The HI9146 features an auto endpoint mode in which, when selected, the reading will freeze on the display once a stable measurement is obtained. The auto-end feature allows for consistency among various users by ensuring that stability has been achieved before recording a measurement.

Backlit LCD – The HI9146 has a display with a backlight for easy viewing of readings in poor lighting conditions.

Battery Error Prevention System (BEPS) – The Battery Error Prevention System detects when the batteries become too weak to ensure reliable measurements. The backlight feature is automatically disabled when batteries are getting low and a clear indication is displayed to warn the user of this condition.

Información adicional
Peso 1,696 kg




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Intervalo 0.00 a 45.00 ppm (mg/L), 0.0 hasta 300.0% de saturación
Resolución de OD 0.01 ppm (mg/L); 0.1% de saturación
Exactitud de OD ± 1.5% E.C. o ± un dígito, lo que sea mayor
Calibración OD Uno o dos puntos a 0% (solución HI 7040) y 100% (en aire)
Intervalo de temperatura 0.0 a 50.0°C / 32.0 a 122.0°F
Resolución  de temperatura 0.1°C / 0.1°F
Exactitud de temperatura 0.2ºC; ± 0.4°F (excluyendo el error de la sonda)
Compensación por temperatura Automática de 0 a 50°C (32 a 122°F)
Compensación por altitud 0 a 4000m (resolución 100m)
Compensación por salinidad 0 a 80 g/L (ppt) (resolución 1 g/L)
Electrodo / Sonda Sonda polarográfica OD, sensor de temperatura integrado, conector DIN
Tipo de batería / vida 1.5V AAA (3) / aproximadamente 200 horas de uso continuo sin luz de fondo (50 horas con luz de fondo encendida)
Condiciones ambientales 0 a 50°C (32 a 122°F); HR max 95%
Dimensiones 185 x 72 x 36 mm (7.3 x 2.8 x 1.4 pulgadas)
Peso 300g (10.6 onzas)
Información para ordenar El HI9146 se suministra con sonda de OD HI76407, membranas de OD de PTFE  pretensadas HI76407A (2), solución electrolítica HI7041S (30 mL), baterías, manual de instrucciones y estuche resistente.

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Precio Total:   $1.287.580